
The automotive industry is a marathon Chinese brands welcome strategic opportunities

2020-03-18  From: Guangdong Fusen Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Browsing times:150

Hosted by the China Automobile Industry Association and the Online Auto Market, co-hosted by CCTV, China Automobile Brand Alliance, Netease Automobile, and Netcom Newsletter Magazine, Wanli Tire exclusively co-organized the "Fifth China Brand Automotive Leadership Summit" held today at the Beijing Convention Center . At the meeting, a number of senior executives of Chinese brand companies attended the meeting and expressed their views on the future development direction of the Chinese automotive market. If Chinese brands want to break through, they must adhere to the normal R & D path, and at the same time strengthen the cooperation between enterprises to form a win-win situation. Strategic transformation. Under the trend of automobile intelligence and Internet integration, Chinese brands may surpass joint venture brands in the next five or ten years.

Market share reflects brand core competitiveness

New data shows that the market share of Chinese brand passenger cars accounted for 46% of the market in the first two months of this year, an increase of 11% from 35% in 2014. From the data point of view, Chinese brands can already form a separate case with joint venture brands. However, as the leadership of Chinese brands, they have a deeper view on this phenomenon.

Changhua Automobile President Zhu Huarong said that, in general, passenger cars of Chinese brands have continued to improve, but there are hidden concerns behind the continued growth of their share. In the field of cars, in fact, the occupancy rate has continued to decline from 2012. In the existing occupancy field, it is basically below 100,000 yuan. Chinese brands have not entered the mainstream. Once the industry grows, decreases, slows down, or competes for a certain period of time, the competitiveness of Chinese brands declines rapidly.

"The Chinese automobile industry has not really formed the core competitiveness of Chinese brands," said Xu Heyi, chairman of BAIC Group. "Especially in the field of passenger cars, more than 60% of the market share is still occupied by joint venture brands. The share of TOP 100 sales is now less than one-third. "

With the development of the automotive market, collaboration and win-win situation have become a new theme for the development of the industry. More and more companies have stated that they should cooperate with more Chinese brands to reduce costs, improve competitiveness, and break through.

Zhu Huarong, president of Changan Automobile, said, "Together with one heart or working together, why talk about this. In addition to the government and industry, associations and industry should strengthen more cooperation and work together to do some work. Chinese brands are not competitors. , Is a counterpart, and should cooperate. China's real competitors are now the world's first big car companies. "

An Conghui, president of Geely Automobile, also said that the competitors of independent brands are not ours, they must be foreign brands. With better alliance and mutual support, Chinese automobile brands will do better day by day.

As a representative of Internet-based car manufacturing, Li Bin, chairman of Weilai Automobile, also stated that Weilai Automobile is willing to share advanced technologies. Weilai Automobile has invested a lot in intelligence, electrification and networking. In terms of advanced technology, Chinese brands can share the cost of research and development and share the advantages of scale.

The automotive industry is a marathon, the bottleneck is quality

"It's easy for Chinese brands to make cars, but it's not easy to make a good car." An Conghui, president of Geely Automobile Co., expressed his feelings at the 5th China Brand Car Leaders Summit.

From the European industry to the United States, the United States to Japan, and Japan to South Korea, the automotive industry first broke through quality standards before gaining market recognition. In order for Chinese auto brands to develop, they must first resolve quality, and at the same time insist on positive development and master the core technology of the product. This road is difficult, but it must also go through.

The rigid demand of the Chinese automobile market gives Chinese brands a lot of room for growth. Zhu Huarong, president of Changan Automobile, said that Chinese brands have made great progress in terms of product development and mastery, including the use of global resources.

"At present, we can say that our products are made in various subdivisions in China. But from the perspective of quality and product connotation, we are not as good as Japan and Germany. One of the important reasons is that people do things more rigorously than we do. Craftsmanship. "Xu Heyi, chairman of BAIC, believes that while pursuing timely benefits, Chinese brands often ignore the soul of product quality. Due to the lack of adherence, pursuit and accumulation of boutique products, the growth of our own brands is rugged and bumpy. Continuous innovation is extremely difficult, but this is also the market's expectation for innovative products and consumers' expectations for product quality.

Dong Yang, executive vice chairman and secretary general of the China Automobile Association, said that many technical centers have been built for Chinese brands during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" and "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". GAC has 3 billion, SAIC 10 billion, and Great Wall 5 billion. Changan is also a billion Investment and construction of technical center. These technology centers will enter the harvest period during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period. After accumulation, under the policy of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" strategy for intelligent manufacturing 2020, some key technologies will be overcome. This has also laid a good foundation for the quality of Chinese brands.

The Internet accelerates the integration of strategic opportunities for Chinese brands

According to the laws of the development of the automobile market, the Chinese automobile industry generally experiences two periods of rapid development. The first stage is 5 vehicles per thousand to 20 vehicles per thousand. The growth rate in the second growth period will slow down, but it will also reach 1,000 people. The growth rate from 20 to 130 people per thousand people is about 10%. This stage will continue to grow for ten years. If China's auto industry is to achieve cross-border development, the basic driving force is that China has more than a decade of growth.

In the opinion of Xu Heyi, chairman of BAIC, among several future trends in the development of automobile brands, new energy vehicles and intelligent connected cars are globally recognized future development trends, which is precisely China's advantage. The country's new positioning and new requirements for new energy vehicles have provided fertile ground for Chinese brands to develop new energy vehicles. At the same time, China's Internet economy leads the world, and a large number of world-class companies such as Ali, Baidu, and Tencent have emerged. This will provide us with many excellent resources for the development of automotive intelligence, and provide smart industrial development and the construction of smart cities. A lot of opportunities available.

The Internet cannot subvert the automotive industry, but it will be an important part of the automotive industry. Like e-commerce, it will become an integral part of the entire automotive industry.

"Experience" is an important link in the automotive consumer chain. The special nature of "experiential consumption" of automotive products and the importance of after-sales service determine that physical channels are always needed to provide consumers with a series of services that cannot be provided online, such as test rides, test drives, listing, maintenance, and repair, that is, online The Xiamen store is not only a sales channel but also a service channel for new car transactions.

Liu Tongfu, vice president of Brilliance Automobile Group, believes that in addition to vehicle manufacturing, in the aftermarket, such as second-hand cars, car rental and auto finance, it should also be actively deployed to occupy the market.

The next five or ten years will be a period of opportunity for Chinese brands. With the help of the Internet, breakthroughs in the fields of new energy vehicles and smart cars; also include innovation at the capital level, such as joint ventures with Internet companies, or investment in interconnected companies, or cross-shareholding , To generate horizontal or vertical resource synergy; of course, there is adjustment in the industrial structure level, and through the integration of industrial layout, enhance competitiveness.

Guangdong Fusen Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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